Tuesday, December 20, 2011

And so it begins!

I can't help but feel wildly intimidated as I embark upon my very first blog ever. I suppose the intimidation stems from the fact that you, my currently non-existent audience, will soon be reading these posts and making judgments about who I am as a person and whether or not my hobbies, interests, and core beliefs are acceptable to you. Quite frankly, that scares the hell out of me, so please be gentle in your judgments. Let me start with a little information about myself, why I started this blog, and what I hope it will accomplish.

First, my name is Kelsy and I'm a senior at the University of California, Davis. And no, I was not one of the students who was pepper-sprayed; in fact, I was 300 miles away when that even occurred. I'm studying philosophy at UC Davis and plan to attend law school next fall (which is a whole other can of worms that I hope to discuss at length in a later post). I hail from Fresno, California, which is actually a pretty neat place to live once you've had the opportunity to experience life elsewhere. Despite having nearly 1,000,000 people in Fresno County, Fresno is actually a pretty small town and you're bound to run into someone you know at the grocery store, especially when you decide to be brave and make the trip sans makeup.

I started this blog for several reasons: 1) I love to write. Writing has always been a part of my life ever since I learned to type on a ridiculously huge word processor in my parent's dining room in 1995. My earliest story was about a witch who liked to eat children but was one day faced with a lack of children. "She grumbled madly," was the culmination of the witch's frustrations. The entire story was one paragraph and currently resides on the wall in my father's office. I like to think my writing has improved slightly since the tender age of 5. 2) I love to craft. I'm tired of seeing really neat tutorials on other people's blogs and wishing I had one of my own to share my cool creations. So here it is; get ready for some pretty rad crafts and DIY tutorials. 3) I should be working on personal statements for law school but I'm kinda lazy and suffer from chronic procrastination. Hence, blog.

As for what I hope this blog will accomplish: well, nothing really. I don't really think that blogs are teleological in nature, rather, I believe that it's all about the process of creating and shaping the blog. Instead of hoping to reach some end, I'd like to simply enjoy the writing process and share some of my thoughts about life as well as a few DIY/craft tutorials.

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